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Monday 21 March 2016

GGSIPU UNIVERSITY HELPLINE NO FOR ADMISSION GRIEVANCES READDRESALE ipuadmissionhelpline@gmail.com 2015 2016 2018 2019 202 @9899390153

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CHAPTER- 10:MBBS,BDS, PGMC and SSMC Admission InformationIn additions to the applicable rules enumerated elsewhere in this document, the following rules shallapply for the MBBS, BDS, PGMC and SSMC CETs.10.1 Applicable to MBBS / BDS CET1. Students admitted during 1st counselling must report at the respective Colleges within twoworking days of admission. The Academic Session, however, will commence from 01.08.2016.The admission of the candidate, who fails to report latest by 08.08.2016, shall be cancelled onthe recommendation of Dean / Principal / HOD of the concerned college.2. Candidates selected for admission to the MBBS programme after verification of their eligibilityand offered admission should bring the following original certificates / testimonials /documents at the time of reporting to the College:i. Certificate of having passed the 10+2 or equivalent examination, showing the subjectsoffered by him/her in the examination.ii. Certificate from the Board from which he/she passed the High School/Higher SecondaryExamination, showing his/her date of birth.iii. Certificate/Marksheet from the Board from which he/she passed the 10+2 or equivalentexamination showing that he/she has secured 50% or more marks (40 % in case of SC/STcandidates) in aggregate in Physics, Chemistry and Biology/Biotechnology and pass in thesubject of English (Core or Elective or Functional).iv. Migration/Transfer Certificate from the University/Board last attended by him/her.v. Certificate from the prescribed authority showing that he/she belongs to a SchedulesCaste/ Scheduled Tribe/OBC category. (Applicable only to candidates belonging toScheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe/OBC category).vi. Any other document as may be asked for by the University/College.3. MEDICAL EXAMINATIONi. The selected candidates will have to undergo medical examination by a duly constitutedMedical Board of the respective Colleges. Only those, who are certified to be medically fitby the Board will be admitted. If, in the assessment of the Medical Board, a candidate isfound medically unfit for admission to the course, his/her candidature will be rejected andthe decision of the Board shall be final. In that case, in his/her place, next candidate inorder of merit (from the witing list to be prepared after second counselling)will beadmitted.ii. Any rejection on medical ground may be communicated by the respective Colleges to theUniversity latest by 25.08.2016.4. The Student would undergo the course on full-time basis, no private practice, part-time job,being permissible during the duration of the course.10.2 Applicable to PGMC & SSMC1. Salary in lieu of the training period will only be payable for the regular duration.2. Each student admitted to a Post Graduate Degree/Diploma course shall strictly submit himself/herself to the disciplinary jurisdiction of the Vice-Chancellor and several authorities of theUniversity who may be vested with the authority to exercise discipline under the Act, theOrdinance, and the Rules that have been framed by the University from time to time.3. The Student would undergo the course on full-time basis, no private practice, part-time job,being permissible during the duration of the course.4. University can remove the name of the student from the rolls in case his/her work or conduct isreported to be not satisfactory by the Supervisor/Head of the Department/Head of theInstitution. An undertaking to this effect should be obtained from the student at the time ofadmission.5. The admission will be terminated if the student is not regular and absentunauthorizedly/without prior permission.PAGE: 72 ACADEMIC SESSION 2016-17GURU GOBIND SINGH INDRAPRASTHA UNIVERSITY, DELHI - 1100786. All admissions granted at the time of Counselling are provisional, subject to medical fitness andfulfillment of all eligibility conditions by the admitted candidates.7. The candidate admitted to a particular course will be required to report immediately afteradmission for medical examination.8. The head of the concerned institution shall forward the joining report of all admittedcandidates to Incharge (Admissions), Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, complete in allrespects within the stipulated time.10.3 Applicable to PGMC CET OnlyPursuant to the directions by Hon’ble High Court of Delhi in the Writ Petition (C) No. 3043/2014, titled“Dr. Sandeep Dhama vs State & Anr”, the University procedure for admission to Post Graduate MedicalCourse is enumerated below. However, the candidates will be requested to visit the University websiteregularly for other details of counselling for PGMC programme.1. The University shall conduct three rounds of counselling for admission to PG MedicalDegree/Diploma courses in the Academic Session 2016-17. Round I and Round 2 will be for theseats reserved for State Quota, received from DGHS; Round 3 will be conducted for the seatsfilling up seats reverted from AIQ/Other vacant State Quota Seats in addition to balanceunallotted seats from Round 1 and Round 2.2. Round 1 and Round 2 will have two phases:i. Registration for Participation and Verification of Documents andii. Seat Allotment.3. Detailed procedure for Round 1, Round 2 and Round 3 is enumerated below:i. All the CET qualified candidates will present themselves for Registration for Participationand Verification of documents, in person, on the scheduled date and time, to be notified bythe University.ii. This Registration for Participation will be valid for first and second counselling together. Inno case, a candidate will be allowed to participate in the ‘Seat Allotment’ in Round 1 andRound 2 unless he/she had registered for participation for these rounds and got his/herdocuments verified.iii. For participating in Round 1 and Round 2, the candidate will register themselves at thebeginning of the counselling, to be notified by the University; whereas for participation inthe Round 3, no such condition applies and any student who has not registeredhimself/herself can participate as per the guidelines to be notified by the University.4. First Counselling:i. The candidates, who have passed MBBS from the affiliated medical colleges of Guru GobindSingh Indraprastha University and have also qualified CET exam conducted by GGSIPU in2016, will be called in the order of merit for first counselling for admission in Post GraduateMedical Degree / Diploma Courses (PGMC) counselling /admission for the academic session2016-17. The allotment of seats in PGMC during first counselling for the candidates whowill be called will be done on the basis of 200 roster point subject to the fulfilling of alleligibilities condition by the candidates as laid down by the University.ii. At the time of allotment of seats 200 points roster will be followed in order of CET merit.The specific Roster point will be used to call the candidate of that particular category andall the seats at that point of time will be offered to the candidate in all the institutes. Thisyear, the Roster point will be operated from the next point on which the admission wasclosed during the last year. Further, in subsequent years, the Roster will be operated fromthe next point on which the admission would close during this year preceding year.PAGE: 73 ACADEMIC SESSION 2016-17GURU GOBIND SINGH INDRAPRASTHA UNIVERSITY, DELHI - 110078iii. Since the Roster points cannot be left blank, the conversion of seat of a category will bedone during the first counselling itself. At the end of first counselling, if any seat remainsvacant in any particular category for want of eligible candidate in that category, the seatwill be converted as per the standard procedure of Govt. of India, which is as below :While converting the seats, any unfilled seats reserved for ST category will be offeredto SC category and vice versa and only after completing this exercise, the conversion ofthe reserved category seats to general category shall be effected. The OBC seats shallbe converted to General Category after exhausting the merit list of the OBC category.It will be ensured that conversion of any seat shall be done only when all the eligiblecandidates have been offered that seat.5. Second Counselling:i. The vacancies arising due to withdrawals from the candidates, who have taken admissionduring the First Counselling, and/or on account of non-joining of the allotted college by thecandidates after the first round of counselling, shall be notified along with the Schedule of2nd round of Counselling. The Second Counselling will be held in the University.ii. Calculation of Vacant Seats Further, the calculation of the vacant seats, to be filled insecond round of counseling will be as below:(a) Seats falling vacant due to Withdrawals from the candidates, who had taken admissionduring first counselling, by the stipulated date and in a prescribed form;(b) The candidates who had secured admission during the first counselling, paid the fees inthe University, reported in the College but did not join by the stipulated date, will beconsidered as a Vacant Seat. The respective medical college will give in writing by astipulated date to be notified by the University, to the University about such vacantseats to be considered as a ‘vacancy’ to be filled during second round of counselling.(c) Unallotted seats of first counselling.iii. Who is Eligible for Second Counselling?The second counselling shall be open to only those candidates who had registeredthemselves. Registered Candidate, who had not opted or allotted any seat during the firstcounselling shall be eligible to participate in the second counselling. Those candidates,who registered themselves but were absent on the day of Seat Allotment during the firstcounselling will also be eligible for second counselling.iv. Who is NOT Eligible for Second Counselling?Those candidates who were allotted seats but due to any reason arising out of their act, avacancy arises i.e. withdrawn or did not join.v. In case, no vacancy arises on account of withdrawal or otherwise as explained above, afterthe first counselling, the second counselling will be conducted only for the candidates whohad registered but were absent or not opted / allotted any seat during the first counsellingin the order of CET merit / rank and only the left over seats of first counselling will beoffered to such candidates. The second counselling will start from the next roster point, atwhich first counselling was closed.vi. In case of vacancy arises on account of withdrawal or otherwise after the first counselling,the following procedure will be adopted. “From the allotted seats, from whatever rosterpoint, the vacancy has arisen, in any particular category, then the seat shall be offered tothe same category eligible candidate merit rank-wise till all eligible candidates of thatcategory are exhausted, after which the conversion of seat shall be done as per GOI rules.”In this procedure, second counselling will start from the roster point at which the firstwithdrawal comes from.PAGE: 74 ACADEMIC SESSION 2016-17GURU GOBIND SINGH INDRAPRASTHA UNIVERSITY, DELHI - 1100786. Third Counsellingi. In compliance of the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India’s order dated 14/03/2014, theUniversity will conduct third counselling.ii. Any additional seats intake sanctioned by the University if any or transferred from All IndiaQuota / other State Quota, will be made in 3rd counselling.iii. All the CET qualified candidates shall be allowed to participate in third counselling in orderof merit irrespective of facts candidates was admitted thorugh 1st / 2nd Counselling or not.(It includes withdrawal / reported or not reported candidates also).iv. 3rd counselling will be final counselling and there will not be any further counselling ofadmission in PGMC during 2016-17.v. The 3rd counselling will start from next roster point at which 2nd counselling was closed.vi. As directed by Hon’ble Supreme Court, All India vacant seats shall be filled by callingcandidates from All India Category.vii. This process will cater absorbing all additional seat intake as and when available either bythe University or transferred from All India Quota. This process will not lead to rankviolation.viii.There will be no waiting list because all the candidates will be called in the third round ofcounselling, irrespective of their status of admission; whether admitted or not admitted

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