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Monday 21 March 2016

MAHARAJA SURAJMAL COLLEGE HELPLINE NO FOR ADMISSION GRIEVANCES READDRESALE ipuadmissionhelpline@gmail.com 2015 2016 2018 2019 202 @9899390153

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MAHARAJA SURAJMAL COLLEGE HELPLINE NO FOR ADMISSION GRIEVANCES READDRESALE ipuadmissionhelpline@gmail.com 2015 2016 2018 2019 202 @9899390153

Spot Counselling1. After completion of all rounds of online counselling ‘Spot Counselling’ shall be done offline. Alleligible candidates desirous of participating in the “Spot Counselling” shall have to pay acounselling (separate) participation fee. The participation fees in the “Spot Counselling” shallbe INR 1000/= (non-refundable / transferable).2. The “Spot Counselling” shall be done for vacancies remaining after reporting of allocatedcandidates to Schools of Studies / Colleges / institutions alloted (see Section 11.10) and arisingduring the process of “Spot Counselling” as enumerated below. Since, all conversions ofcategories / region-wise divisions are completed in the last round of online counselling (Section11.8), the spot counselling shall consider all seats to be filled as unreserved.3. The vacant seats left after reporting /admission of candidates to institutions only shall beconsidered for filling in the spot counselling.4. Any CET qualified candidates who have not taken admission in the rounds of Online counsellingwill be eligible to participate in the spot counselling, against the available vacant seat (if any).5. The candidates who are allotted seat in rounds of online counselling and have paid the partAcademic Fee of Rs 40,000/- to confirm admission in any institute/ college and have alsoreported to the concerned University School of Study / college / institutions will be treated as“admitted” at the time of Spot Counselling. Such candidates, if they desire to participate inthe “Spot Counselling” shall be required to pay a transfer fees of INR 5000/=, these candidatesshall be considered as per their rank only, if they do not appear at the time of counselling fortheir rank, they shall not be allowed to participate, moreover, the seats thus vacated by thesecandidates shall be offered to candidates participating in “Spot Counselling” with lower rank ascompared to the candidates thus transferred. For such “transferred” candidates, the partacademic fees paid by the candidate of INR 40000/= shall be adjusted during counselling. If achange of institution / college occurs of such candidates, then the institution / college fromwhich the candidate is being transferred shall refund the balance fees paid (if any), that is thecomponent of the fees paid by the candidate at the institution directly to the candidates onapplication by the candidate, and the candidate shall have to pay the balance fees (if any) ofthe institution to which the candidate is transferred as per schedule to be notified by thecandidates.6. Any candidate, who was admitted in any round and subsequently withdrawn as per procedure,will be eligible to participate in the Spot Counselling.7. All “not admitted” candidates will be eligible to participate in the Spot Counselling.8. There will be no withdrawal of admission and refund of fees for the candidates who will takeadmission in Spot counselling. Seats left vacant, if any, after spot counselling only shall beconsidered for admission process of filling up of vacancies after 31st July 2016.9. Spot counselling shall be completed on or before 31st of July, 2016.11.12 Filling of seats (if any) after 31st July, 20161. If any seats are left vacant (out of the seats reported as vacant, after the reporting of“admitted / allocated” candidates to concerned University School of Study / College /Institution and taken to the spot counselling phase for filling up) out of the seats considered inthe spot counselling, the procedure for filling up these seats shall be notified by 4th of August,2016 by the University on its website http://www.ipu.ac.in.PAGE: 80 ACADEMIC SESSION 2016-17GURU GOBIND SINGH INDRAPRASTHA UNIVERSITY, DELHI - 110078CHAPTER- 12: Mode of Conduct of CET12.1 Scheme of the Tests12.1.1 Scheme of the Tests (Except for MBBS, PGMC, SSMC, BDS, MPHIL(ENG)):1. The test paper will contain 150 objective-type questions in all for all CETs (except B.Tech.(Biotechnolgy) for which 200 questions shall be asked and for M.A.(English) in which the Part 1shall consist of 100 Multiple Choice Questions while Part 2 shall be essay type questions). Eachquestion will be provided with four alternative answers marked as (1), (2), (3) and (4) (thoughM.A.(English) shall have essay type questions also while M.Phil. (English) CET shall be subjectivetype only). Out of these, only one correct; or most appropriate answer should be selected andmarked on the OMR answer sheet;2. Each question shall carry four marks. There will be negative marking for incorrect answer. Onemark will be deducted for each incorrect answer.3. The written test will be of two and a half hour duration and will carry 600 marks (but forB.Tech. Biotechnology the test shall be of three hour duration with 200 questions with 800marks).4. The medium of the tests will be English only except for BED for which the test shall be inEnglish and Hindi;5. Candidates should bring a black ball point to the Examination hall for writing/markingresponses (darkening the ovals) on OMR answer sheets. Use of pencil is not allowed.6. For those who are unable to appear in the test on the scheduled date for any reason, retest willnot be held by the University under any circumstances. No refund of fee is permissible.12.1.2 Scheme of the Test for MBBS/BDS:1. CET code 103 for MBBS (both stages I & II) and BDS code 104 will be of 3 hours duration and willhave One Question Paper in English medium. This Question Paper shall have 200 objective type(multiple choice) questions from Physics, Chemistry, Botany & Zoology. Each question will beprovided with four alternative answers marked as (1), (2), (3) and (4). Out of these, only onecorrect or most appropriate answer should be selected and marked on the OMR answer sheet.Each question shall carry 3 marks, which shall be awarded for each correct answer.2. There will be negative marking for incorrect answers. Incorrect answers will include both the'wrong answers' as well as 'more than one answer to a question'. 01 (one) mark will be deductedfor each incorrect answer.3. Candidates should bring a black ball point pen to the Examination Hall for writing/markingresponses (darkening the ovals) on OMR answer sheet. Use of pencil is not allowed.4. For those who are unable to appear in the test on the scheduled date for any reason, retest willnot be held by the University under any circumstances. No refund of fee is permissible.12.1.3 Scheme of the Test for PGMC:1. The Entrance Test shall cover all subjects of MBBS course and will comprise of one Paper of 3hours duration. This paper shall carry 300 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) of 4 marks each,divided in two sections viz. I & II. The subjects covered under these Sections are detailedbelow:-(a) Section-I Pre & Para-Clinical subjects, i.e., Pathology, Physiology, Pharmacology, ForensicMedicine, Medical Microbiology, Medical Bio-Chemistry and Anatomy.(b) Section-II Clinical Subjects, i.e., General Medicine, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Paediatrics,Anesthesiology, Dermatology including Venereology & Leprosy, Radio Diagnosis, Radio-Therapy, Community Medicine, Psychiatry, General Surgery, Orthopaedics, Ophthalmologyand Otorhinolaryngology.(c) Section-I will be of one hour duration and will carry 100 MCQs allocated 400 marks andSection-II will be of two hours duration and will carry 200 MCQs allocated 800 marksrespectively.Note: Students will be required to distribute their time of 3 hours duration for the twosections in such a way that they are able to finish Section - I within 1 hour and Section -II inthe next 2 hours.PAGE: 81 ACADEMIC SESSION 2016-17GURU GOBIND SINGH INDRAPRASTHA UNIVERSITY, DELHI - 1100782. Every question shall have four alternative answers, and out of these only one correct or mostappropriate answer should be selected and marked on the OMR answer sheet provided witheach paper. c) There will be negative marking for every incorrect answer. ‘Incorrect answerswill include Wrong answers' as well as "those which contain more than one answer to thequestion." For each incorrect answer 1 mark will be deducted.3. Candidates are required to bring a black ball point pen to the Examination Hall for markingtheir responses by darkening the ovals on OMR answer sheet. Use of pencil is strictlyprohibited.4. For those who are unable to appear in the CET:PGMC on the scheduled date for any reason, retestwill not be held by the University under any circumstances and the fee deposited for suchtest shall not be refunded.12.1.4 Scheme of the Test for SSMC:1. The Entrance Test shall cover subjects of respective super speciality course and will comprise ofone paper of 1½ hours duration. This paper shall carry 100 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ's) of4 (four) marks each. The Test for each super speciality will carry a maximum marks of 400.2. Every question shall have four alternative answers, and out of these only one correct or mostappropriate answer should be selected and marked on the OMR answer sheet providedalongwith Test paper.3. Incorrect answer will be given zero marks and correct answer will be allotted 4 marks.Incorrect answers will include wrong answers as well as those containing more than one answerto the question.4. Candidates are required to bring a black ball point pen to the Examination Hall for markingtheir responses by darkening the ovals on OMR answer sheet. Use of pencil is strictlyprohibited.5. For those who are unable to appear in the CET: SSMC on the scheduled date for any reason, retestwill not be held by the University under any circumstances and the fee deposited for suchtest shall not be refunded.12.2. Reporting for the Test1. The Candidate should report at the Examination centre 30 minutes prior to the time ofcommencement of CET 2016.2. No candidate will be allowed to enter in the Examination hall after the commencement ofCET 2016.3. No candidate will be allowed to leave the examination hall before the prescribed time for CETis over.4. Candidate should leave Examination Hall only after handing over OMR answer sheet and testbooklet to the Invigilator.12.3. Expected Behaviour and Discipline during the Test1. If any candidate is found using any UNFAIR MEANS or does not observe discipline during conductof the Common Entrance Test, the University will take necessary disciplinary action againstsuch candidate(s).2. No candidate should carry any textual material, printed or written, bits of papers or any othermaterial except the admit card (without envelope) inside the examination hall. If the candidateis found to be copying or conversing with other candidate(s) or having in his/her possessionpapers, notes or books/ any electronic material with or without relevant text, he/she will bedisqualified from taking the Test and the next one or two such Tests depending on the nature ofoffense. This shall be treated as the use of unfair means.3. Carrying of cell phone, pager, calculator pen or any other electronic gadgets to the ExaminationCentre is strictly prohibited. The University will neither make any arrangement for the safecustody of any of these items nor will be responsible for loss of any such item. Hence, theparents may counsel their wards for not carrying such items with them while going torespective examination centres for taking the CET. If the candidate is found in possession ofsuch gadgets during the examination/test, it shall be treated as the use of unfair means.PAGE: 82 ACADEMIC SESSION 2016-17GURU GOBIND SINGH INDRAPRASTHA UNIVERSITY, DELHI - 1100784. Candidates must not obtain or give or attempt to obtain or to give undesirable assistance of anykind during the Test, as it shall be treated as the use of unfair means.5. Any attempt to note down questions during the test or to take away pages from the TestBooklet will be viewed very seriously, and invite legal action. This shall be treated as the use ofunfair means.6. Candidate shall maintain perfect silence during examination/CET; attend to their papers only.Any conversation, gesticulation or causing disturbance during the Test will be deemed to be anact of misbehavior and is, therefore, strictly prohibited. Also, if a candidate is foundimpersonating or using unfair means, he/she will be disqualified from taking the test.7. The decision in regard of usage of unfair means shall be taken by the University on the reportof the centre superintendent of the test centre, on the recommendation of a constitutedcommittee by the Controller of Examinations (Operations) of the University. The constitution ofthe committee shall be done by the Controller of Examinations (Operations).12.4. Instructions for The Common Entrance Test 20161. The Common Entrance Test shall be based on the the topics as specified in the CET syllabussection.2. The candidates are required to report at their respective Examination Centre at least half anhour before the CET along with two copies of their Admit Card issued by the University. Nocandidate will be allowed to enter the CET Centre after the scheduled commencement ofexam.3. The Each candidate will be given a sealed Test Booklet and OMR answer sheet five minutesbefore the commencement of the test. Only for PGMC: Each candidate will be given a sealedtest booklet (Section A) and OMR answer sheet just five minutes before the commencement ofthe test and test booklet (Section B) just five minutes before the completion of one hour of theTest. Only for SSMC: The CET will be of one and a half hours duration comprising of 100 MCQs.4. The OMR answer sheet is of special type which will be scanned by an optical scanner.5. Immediately on receipt of the Test Booklet, each candidate shall fill in the required particularson the cover page of the Test Booklet with a black ballpoint pen only. He/she shall not open theseal of the Test Booklet until asked to do so by the invigilator.6. Candidates will then write the required particulars on OMR answer sheet with a black ballpointpen. After this, they will wait for the signal by the invigilator to start marking the responses.7. The Test will start exactly at the time mentioned on the Admit Card and an announcement tostart will be made by the invigilator.8. While the test is in progress, the invigilator will check the Admit Cards of the candidates tosatisfy himself/herself about the identity of each candidate. The invigilator will also puthis/her signature in the space provided for the purpose on the OMR answer sheet as well as onthe Admit Card.9. The candidate will have to sign the Attendance Sheet against his/her CET Roll Number.10. A signal will be given at the beginning of the Test. A signal will also be given at the closing timewhen the candidates must stop marking the responses.11. After completing the Test and before handing over the Test Booklet and the OMR answer sheetto the invigilator, the candidates are advised to make sure that all the particulars required inthe Test Booklet and the OMR answer sheet have been correctly written, i.e.CET Roll Number,Name of the Candidate,CET Code, Centre Code, Test Booklet Number, Test Booklet Code, CETname.12. No candidate will move out of the examination hall until the time prescribed for the Test isover.13. No candidate will take away the Test Booklet and/or the OMR answer sheet from theexamination hall. Taking away of the test booklet or the OMR answersheet shall be treated asthe usage of unfair means.14. A candidate must bring his/her own black ball point pen to fill the answers in ovals of OMRanswer sheet. In case the ovals are filled by any instrument other than the black ball point pen,then the answer sheet may be rejected by the optical scanner when the same is being scanned.In all such cases, the responsibility shall rest on the candidates.15. The candidate must ensure that the answer sheet is not folded. Also, he/she should not makeany marks or write any kind of description on it.PAGE: 83 ACADEMIC SESSION 2016-17GURU GOBIND SINGH INDRAPRASTHA UNIVERSITY, DELHI - 11007816. Candidates are advised to be sure about the correct answer before they darken the oval withblack ball point pen. They should also ensure that the each oval is completely darkened withblack ball point pen, partially or faintly darkened ovals may be rejected by the optical scanner.It may also be negatively marked.17. For all programmes excepting SSMC/MBBS/BDS : Each question carries four marks. For eachincorrect response, one mark will be deducted from the total number of marks obtained by thecandidate. No deduction from the total marks will, however, be made if no response to aquestion is indicated. Candidates are advised not to attempt a question if they are not sure ofthe correct answer. If a candidate darkens more than one oval against a question, it will bedeemed to be an incorrect answer and will be negatively marked.18. For MBBS/BDS: Each question will carry three marks. One mark will be deducted for eachincorrect response.19. For SSMC: Each question will carry four marks. There will be no negative marking.20. A question in which multiple ovals are darkened shall be deemed to be answered wrong.21. The Test Booklet Code filled in by the candidate in the OMR answer-sheet will be accepted asfinal for the purpose of evaluation. When the space for the Booklet Code is left blank or morethan one booklet code is indicated therein, it will be deemed to be an incorrect booklet codeand the answer sheet will not be evaluated. The candidate himself/herself will be solelyresponsible for all the consequences arising out of any error or omission in writing the TestBooklet Code.22. No candidate should do any rough work on the OMR answer-sheet. Rough work, if any, is to bedone only in the Test Booklet at the space provided.23. Candidates should check to make sure that the Test Booklet contains the number of pages asmentioned on the top of the first page. In case the numbers do not tally, it should beimmediately brought to the notice of the invigilator. The candidates shall not remove anypage(s) from the Test Booklet and if any page(s) is (are) found missing from a candidate'sbooklet, he/she shall be liable for prosecution under relevant provisions of Indian Penal Code.24. In case of any confusion, invigilator may be contacted.25. No candidate, without the specific permission of the Centre Superintendent or the invigilatorconcerned, shall leave his/her seat in the examination hall until he/she has finished his/ herpaper and handed over the Test Booklet and the OMR answer-sheet to the invigilator on duty.Failure to do so may be treated as usage of unfair means.26. Smoking in the examination hall during the hours of the Test is strictly prohibited.27. Tea, coffee, cold drinks or snacks are not allowed inside the examination hall during the Test.28. Candidates shall maintain perfect silence and attend to their papers only. Any conversation,gesticulation or causing disturbance in the examination will be deemed to be an act ofmisbehaviour and is, therefore, strictly prohibited. Also, if a candidate is found impersonatingor using unfair means, his/ her candidature shall be cancelled and he/she will be liable to bedebarred from taking the entrance tests either permanently or for a specified period dependingupon the nature of the offense, in addition to any other action which may be taken under theIndian Penal Code.29. If any candidate is found using any unfair means at any stage of admission process or does notobserve discipline during the conduct of the Entrance Test, his/her candidature is liable to becancelled, as such behaviour shall be deemed as the usage of unfair means.30. The results of the CETs shall only be declared on the University website www.ipu.ac.in on orbefore the scheduled date of result declaration. There shall be no separate communication inthis regard.31. If any candidate is aggrieved by his/her declared result of CET, he/she may, within a week (atmost 05 working days), apply for inspection of his/her OMR answersheet, relevant questionbooklet and answer key and submit specific objections / grievances in specified performa alongwith a fee of Rs. 1000/- to be paid in the form of bank challan deposited at the Indian bankbranch located in the University campus. Specific objections/grievances (if any) so receivedfrom the candidates, shall be put before a committee constituted for the purpose by theController of Examinations(Operations) of the University. On the advice of the duly constitutedcommittee, appropriate action which may include revision of result, if

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