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Monday 21 March 2016

MAHARAJA AGARSEN COLLEGE IPU ADMISSION HELPLINE NO FOR ADMISSION GRIEVANCES READDRESALE ipuadmissionhelpline@gmail.com 2015 2016 2018 2019 202 @9899390153

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Online Counselling ProcedureThe online counselling for academic session 2016-17 will be conducted for the following elevenprogrammes:i. B. Tech (CET Code 131)ii. BBA (CET Code 125)iii. BCA (CET Code 114)iv. B Com (H) (CET Code 146)v. BJMC (CET Code 126)vi. LLB(CET Code 121)vii. BED (CET Code 122)Note: The counselling for B. Ed will be conducted online however, counselling for B. Ed (Spl Ed)will be held offline in GGSIP University Campus only. Separate schedule for the same will benotified.viii.MBA (CET Code 101)ix. MCA (CET Code 105)x. LEBTECH (DIPLOMA) (CET Code 128)xi. LEBTECH (BSC) (CET Code 129)11.1 General Instructions1. The detailed instructions about the online counselling, User Manual, FAQs shall be available onthe University website www.ipu.ac.in & www.ipuadmissions.nic.in. Candidates are advised togo through the details thoroughly at these sites before registration. This information shall beavailable before the start of the online counselling. Aspirants / candidates should keep seeingthe University website(s) in this regard.2. The candidates must read the conditions of eligibility as given in the Admission Brochurecarefully and must satisfy themselves regarding their eligibility for admission in variousprogrammes before registering online for admission and submitting the fees.3. It is the sole responsibility of the candidate to ensure that they fulfill the minimum eligibilitycriteria in the programmes they seek admission; the correctness of the details filled withrespect to region; category or any other such details for allotment of seat. If at any stage ofadmission procedure the information furnished by the candidate is found to be incorrect oruntrue the admission to the programme shall be cancelled and the fees will be forfeited.4. In order to avoid last minute rush, the candidates are advised to apply early enough. TheUniversity will not be responsible for network problems or any other problem of such nature forsubmission of online application during the last minute.5. The detailed rules and procedures of the counselling / admission shall be notified at the timeof start of counselling process. This admission brochure shall be treated only as a generalguideline.11.2 Submission of Counselling Participation Fee1. Candidate has to deposit a nonrefundable Rs 1000/- plus charges as applicable, as one time(non refundable) Counselling Participation Fee, as per the schedule for each CET Code.2. For depositing the Counselling Participation Fee, the candidate has to visit the GGSIP Universityadmission website http://www.ipuadmissions.nic.in and select the option for “payment ofcounselling participation fee”, enter CET details viz CET Roll No, Date of Birth and MobileNumber.3. After submission of the details as mentioned in para 2, the candidate will get two options ofpayment:i. Cash payment (challan will be generated and fee may be deposited through cash in anybranch of Indian Bank)ii. Net Banking /Credit Card and Debit Card.4. The candidates are required to check the status of fee payment on the websitePAGE: 76 ACADEMIC SESSION 2016-17GURU GOBIND SINGH INDRAPRASTHA UNIVERSITY, DELHI - 110078(http://www.ipuadmissions.nic.in) and must take the printout of online fee confirmationreceipt with the transaction details, to be retained for all future reference. In case of paymentof fee through Challan, the candidate must retain the copy of the Challan after depositing thefees.5. Candidates are advised in their own interest to complete the process of fee submission onlinemuch before the closing date and not to wait till the last minute to avoid transaction failure orany other technical fault due to congestion on web server on account of heavy load oninternet/website.6. If the fee is paid through credit/debit card and status is not ‘OK’, it means the transaction gotcancelled and the amount will be refunded to concerned credit/debit card. Such candidateshave to pay the fee once again.7. In case of any problem regarding payment of fees, non availability of fee confirmation receipton the website within the specified time as mentioned in point 4, candidate can contactHelpdesk of University to resolve the issue.8. Submission of registration fees is just a part of the counselling process, just payment of thisfees does not entitle the candidate to admission.11.3 Registration1. After confirmation of receipt of the Counselling Participation Fee, for the specific CET code forwhich the candidate has qualified and paid the fees, candidate has to register within theRegistration period notified on the website.2. In case of Payment of Fee through Challan, candidate can register only after two working daysof cash deposited in any branch of Indian Bank.3. For Registration, candidate has to enter CET details in the admission website(http://www.ipuadmissions.nic.in) and after authentication, the candidate has to enter his/herpersonal /academic /contact details (with address, mobile no. & email ID).4. During the Registration process, the candidate will get login ID and password.5. It is in the interest of the candidate to remember the password and keep it confidential, toavoid misuse by others for which University will not be responsible.6. Change password: The candidates can also change the password if required using the changePassword menu.7. In case the candidate has problems in registration or fails to register, he/she needs to report inperson to the Helpdesk of the University with the relevant proof of depositing the CounsellingParticipation Fee before the end of the Registration period.8. Editing Registration Details: Candidates can amend/edit the registration details filled in theregistration form by choosing “Edit Details” option from the menu within the specified periodof registration.9. Candidates are advised to check all the filled in details before taking the print out.10. All candidates must take two print outs of the Registration Form. One must be submitted at thetime of document verification and the other to be retained by the candidate for all futurereference.11.4 Choice Filling1. Choice filling is compulsory for allotment of seat. Candidate will not be considered for onlineallotment of seat without the filled in choices/preferences.2. After registration, candidate has to fill choices for allotment, from the list of all possiblecombinations of all institutes and courses available, in the order of his/her preference, duringthe choice filling period.3. Once the period for filling of choices/preferences is over, choices/preferences filled bycandidate will be used for allotment of seat.4. Candidates are advised and encouraged in their own interest to fill maximum number ofchoices, as it increases the possibility of getting the desirable seat. For the benefit of thecandidates, the stream-wise and institute-wise and rank-wise Admission Rank cut off data isavailable on University Website and as relevant link in www.ipuadmissions.nic.in.PAGE: 77 ACADEMIC SESSION 2016-17GURU GOBIND SINGH INDRAPRASTHA UNIVERSITY, DELHI - 1100785. From previous experiences, it has been noted that some candidates fill up very few / limitednumber of choices, may result in non allotment of seat during seat allotment. Therefore it isonce again advised that the candidates should fill as many choices as possible to ensure thatthey have better chances of allotment of seat.6. Candidates, however, will be given the opportunity to edit/modify/add/delete preferencesafter allotment of seat in Round 01 for the subsequent round of counselling.7. The candidates are also advised to fill choices/preferences, then save the same and then takethe print out of the saved choices/preferences to be retained for future reference.11.5 Result / Allocation of Seats in every round1. After the choice filling period is over, all the choices/preferences filled by the candidate willbe considered for online allotment of seat as per merit and respective category and region.2. All such candidates, as listed below, will not be considered for allotment of seat:i. Candidates who have not paid the counselling participation fee,ii. Paid the counselling participation fee but not registered,iii. Paid the counselling participation fee and registered but not filled choices/preferences.iv. Candidates who were alloted a seat in any round but did not pay the part academic fees ofINR 40000/= shall not be considered in subsequent round of counselling.v. Candidates who are allocated a seat in any round, pay the part academic fee of INR40000/=, and then withdrew the admission following due procedure of the University.Note: Such candidates however shall be eligible for the “Spot Counselling” round.3. Result can be checked by the candidate through his/her account login given during theregistration process.4. Candidate can print Provisional Allotment Letter, if the seat is allotted to him/her.5. The option of printing the Provisional Allotment Letter will be available only for the respectiveround; within the specified period and the record will not be available in the subsequent roundof online counselling.6. After the allotment of seat, the candidates will have to pay the part Academic Fee of Rs40,000/- to confirm the allotment and participation in the subsequent round of counselling,failing which, the candidate will loose any claim to the allotted seat and the candidate will notbe considered further for any subsequent round of online counselling, even if he wishes to.7. Candidate can pay the admission fee against the provisionally allotted seat by any of twooptions which are same as in case of the Counselling Participation Fee.i. Through Cash (challan will be generated and fee may be deposited through cash in anybranch of Indian Bank)ii. Through Net Banking/Credit Card/Debit Card.8. Candidate can print Admission Fee Receipt, immediately after payment of part Academic Fee ofRs 40,000/- in case of option 7 (ii) and after two working days in case of option 7 (i).9. The option of printing the Academic fee receipt will be available only for the respective roundwithin the specified period and the record will not be available in the subsequent round ofonline counselling.10. In case the fee receipt is not available on the website within the specified time as mentioned inpoint 8, candidate is advised to contact Helpdesk of University to resolve the issue.11.6 Freezing of Alloted Seat after every Round1. After every round of Counselling, if the candidate is satisfied with the seat allotted to him anddoes not want to participate in subsequent rounds of counselling for upgradation, he/she canfreeze his/her allotted seat by clicking the freeze option available in his/her account in thecounselling website within the specified time period.2. If the candidate does not freeze the allotted seat, the next higher preference may be allottedto him/her automatically in the next round subject to availability of seats, and the candidatewill not be allowed to retain the earlier allotment under any circumstances.PAGE: 78 ACADEMIC SESSION 2016-17GURU GOBIND SINGH INDRAPRASTHA UNIVERSITY, DELHI - 11007811.7 Withdrawal and Fee Refund after online Rounds of Counselling1. After depositing of Academic Fees, if a candidate wants to withdraw the admission against theallotted seat, he/she can apply for withdrawal by clicking on the withdrawal option available inhis/her account in the admission website within the specified time period, following the onlinewithdrawal procedure.2. After withdrawal of admission and refund of fees, the candidates will not be considered in thesubsequent round of online counselling except “Spot Counselling”.3. All candidates who have withdrawn, freezed their seat, not paid the Part Academic Fee of Rs.40,000/- and who do not fulfill the eligibility criteria, will not be participating in thesubsequent round of online counselling and the vacancies with respect to such candidates willbe considered for allotment of seat in subsequent Rounds.11.8 Last Round of Allotment of Seats for Online Counselling:1. After the last round of online seat allotment, there shall be no withdrawal of seats and norefund of fees for such candidates shall be done.2. In the last round of online-counselling, the seats (region-wise) and category wise shall beconverted to unreserved category after doing seat allotment of the reserved category.3. Only the candidates allocated seats, who have paid the Part Academic Fees of INR 40000/=,have not frozen their allotment, and have not withdrawn as per procedure notified, shall beeligible for the sliding round of online counselling.11.9 Sliding of Alloted Seat after Last Round of Online Allotment ofSeats:1. Only the candidates who have been allocated seats before the sliding round and who paid thepart academic fee of INR 40000/= and did not withdraw their admission or did not freeze theallotted seat by following due procedure of the University, shall be eligible for this round.2. The sliding round shall be based on the preferences already entered by the candidates in theonline counselling system on the basis of merit of CET of the candidates.3. If a candidate, who has paid the Part Academic Fees does not want to participate in the slidinground, then such candidates must freeze their allotment.4. After the sliding round, the allocated candidates must report to the allocated institutions forverification of documents and payment of the balance amount of fees (if any).11.10 Reporting of candidates to the allotted institute/college:1. After the sliding round of online seat allotment, the candidate, if allotted a seat/retained theseat from earlier allotment/upgraded to higher choices/preferences, and if he/she has madethe payment of part Academic Fee of Rs 40,000/-, he can generate Provisional Admission Slipalong with the Enrollment number.2. The Candidate are required to report and join the respective School/college with the AdmissionSlip, the Provisional Allotment Letter, the Academic Fee Receipt and the necessary record forverification of documents at the School / institution/college and pay the balance amount offees (if any), as per schedule notified on the website, failing which the admission shall beautomatically cancelled.3. The institutions / University Schools of Studies shall report the status of reported and nonreportedcandidates to the University. The vacant seats after the sliding round of onlinecounselling and seats vacant due to non-reporting of candidates only shall be considered forspot counselling to be conducted by 31st July, 2016.4. Candidates who report to the allocated institutions and are reflected in the list submitted bythe institutions as reported / admitted, shall be called “admitted students”, and no withdrawalof seats of these candidates shall be considered for academic session 2016-17.PAGE:

1 comment :

  1. The admit card will be generated after the completion of the registration process .NATA Admit Card 2018 will be released via online mode only. For more info visit site: https://nextincareer.com/nata-2018-admit-card/
